How to Improve your Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Score - part 5 of 6
Tips for Couples
If you are married or in a common-law relationship, keep in mind that the spouse/partner’s language ability is worth up to 20 points. In comparison, education level and Canadian work experience are worth up to 10 points each. It means your partner is “responsible” for a total of 40 points in your CRS score.
Nonetheless to say, you may score less than a single candidate with the same abilities as you, if your spouse does not contribute to those 40 points.
The spouse should take a language test and/or obtain an ECA, as it could bring hugely valuable points.
The most crucial part for couples is to carefully consider who should be the main applicant. And they both could create their own profiles, as long as the spouse/common-law partner is listed as a dependent.