Canadian Citizenship
If you already are a permanent residency and didn’t lose your status, you may already be eligible to become a Canadian citizen.
As of October 11, 2017, permanent residents in Canada can apply for Canadian citizenship more easily and sooner than before.
The main changes were measures covering the number of days that an applicant must spend as a permanent resident before applying for citizenship, and how those days may be counted, which include:
• Required physical presence in Canada reduced to 3 out of 5 years;
• Days spent in Canada before becoming a permanent resident, within 5 years of applying for citizenship, count as half days (up to 365 days) towards physical presence requirements;
• Age range for language and knowledge requirements reduced to 18-54 years old;
• Time required for applicants to file income taxes before applying for citizenship is reduced to 3 out of 5 years.